Sabi pitches Snug Monsters at a Global Shapers Event - NariShakti Sabi pitches Snug Monsters at a Global Shapers Event | NariShakti Humane ClubMade in Humane Club

Sabi pitches Snug Monsters at a Global Shapers Event

On that day in August 2022, the Global Shapers Community gathered for the first time in nearly two years. Representatives from hubs in Delhi, Gurugram, Hyderabad, San Francisco, and Palo Alto convened at The Quorum in Gurugram.

Dhara, the spearhead of the Gurugram hub, had to be there but she faced a dilemma due to a prior engagement. The solution? Bring Sabi along. To keep her busy, Dhara gave her a mission: sell some of her Snug Monsters.

The evening moved quickly. Each hub showcased their projects in quick presentations. And then, unexpectedly, Sabi took the spotlight. She introduced everyone to Snug Monsters.

She made ₹70 that evening. But the real win? Sabi learned she could pitch to unfamiliar faces and succeed.

Here’s what folks had to say

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